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The North Wales Cave Rescue Organisation (NWCRO) is a voluntary body that undertakes underground searches and rescues in the caves and disused mines of North Wales on behalf of North Wales Police.


If someone is missing, overdue, ill or injured underground:

  • DIAL 999
  • Ask for POLICE
  • Then ask for CAVE RESCUE

Please have your location and phone number and as much of the following information as you can gather as it will greatly assist our response. If you don't have all of it don't worry and call anyway:

If an accident…

  • What happened?
  • Where underground did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • How many are injured?
  • What are the known injuries?
  • When did they go underground?
  • How many are still underground?

If missing or overdue…

  • When did they go underground?
  • When should they have come out?
  • How many are in the party?
  • Where did they go underground?
  • What route did they take?

Stay with the phone until help arrives. Preserve your mobile phone battery!